Stephen Lack
M.F.A. Sculpture. University of Guanajuato,San Miguel de Allende; Mexico
B.A. McGill University,1967 Montreal, Quebec; Canada
Related Studies
Otis Art Institute, Los Angeles, California
Ecole des Beaux Arts, Montreal Quebec; Canada.
Columbia University, New York City, N.Y.
Solo Exhibitions
Gallery Laroche Joncas, Montreal P.Q. Canada “In the Shadow of the Cadillac”
Gallery on Queen: “Keep Moving” Fredricton New Brunswick Canada
Gallerie Laroche Joncas Montreal Quebec Canada
Stephen Lack at Gallerie LaRoche Joncas; Montreal Quebec, Canada
“Vintage Lack” Works on Paper from the 80’s Castor Gallery NYC
‘Small Works” Galerie D’Avignon; Montreal Quebec, Canada
"Small Works" Steven Adams Gallery Denver Colorado.
“Strangely Familiar” Annex Gallery Saratoga Performing Arts; Albany International Airport. N.Y
“Art and the Automobile” Stephen Lack; Andy Warhol; Alexander Calder; Commander Cody. Saratoga Automobile Museum Saratoga Springs N.Y.
“ Drive By : Gallerie Pangee; Montreal Que. Canada
“Into the Mist” Children at the End of the World; Southern Vt Arts Center
“AUTONATION” Illinois State University School of the Arts ,
Normal, Illinois. Curator: Barry Blinderman
“Recent Work” : Joyce Goldstein Gallery; Chatham, N.Y.
“Vintage Lack” Christopher Henry Gallery; NYC
“Filmstills op doek en Paper” Gallerie Dijkstra; Antwerp, Belgium
“Drawing Books ” Joyce Yahouda Gallery Montreal Quebec Canada
“Rise and Fall of the Suburban Empire ” Christopher Henry Gallery New York NY
“All the Children” Joyce Goldstein Gallery Chatham NY
“Dreams that Come True” Gallery Dijkstra Antwerp Belgium
“Paintings, Drawings and Prototypes” Gallery One Toronto Canada
“Recent Work” Gallery Dijkstra; Antwerp, Belgium
“Recent Work” Bodi Modern Art; Newport RI
"History and Drama" Gallery One, Toronto, Canada
"Our Home" Gallery One, Toronto, Canada
"Recent Work" Gallery Dijkstra Antwerp, Belgium
"Recent Paintings and Drawings", Gallery One, Toronto, Canada.
"Landscapes and Dramas" Gallery One, Toronto, Canada
"The Edge Of Innocence, a retrospective" Lyman-Allyn Museum, New London Ct.
"American Dream" Gallerie de Bellefeuille, Montreal, Quebec; Canada
"Recent Paintings" Leo Kamen Gallery Toronto Canada.
"Drawings of the War" Joyce Goldstein Gallery, New York City.
"Route U.S.A." Gallery Dijkstra, Antwerp, Belgium.
"Golden Age of America" Joyce Goldstein Gallery, N.Y.C
"America for Sale"; Dresdnere Gallery, Toronto, Canada
"New Work" Simon Dresdnere Gallery, Toronto Canada
"New Work" Nadeau Gallery; Philadelphia, Pa.
Simon Dresdnere Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Gracie Mansion Gallery, New York, N.Y.
Greene Gallery, Miami Florida.
Gallerie Daniel, Montreal, Canada
Walls, Seibu; Tokyo, Japan
Simon Dresdnere Gallery, Toronto, Canada.
Gracie Mansion Gallery
New York, N.Y.
Gallery Daniel
Montreal, Canada
Fay Gold Gallery
Atlanta, Georgia
Simon Dresdnere Gallery
Toronto, Canada
Gallery Marie-Louise Wirth
Zurich Switzerland
"New Traditionalism" Gracie Mansion Gallery, N.Y.C.
"New Work", Greene Gallery; Coral Gables, Fla.
Goldman Gallery, Montreal Canada.
Anna Friebe Gallery, Cologne, Germany.
Dresdnere Gallery Toronto, Canada
The Center for Contemporary Art, West Palm Beach, Florida
"Power" Gracie Mansion Gallery, N.Y.C.
"New Work" Goldman Gallery, Montreal Canada.
Barbara Farber Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
"The Crime of your Life"
Gracie Mansion Gallery, N.Y.C.
"New Work"
Piezo Electric Gallery, N.Y.C.
Gracie Mansion Gallery
Loo Division, N.Y.C.
Idee Gallery,
Toronto Canada.
Little Carnegie Gallery;
New York City, N.Y.
"Trophy Art for the Blind"
Vehicule Art; Montreal Canada.
"Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture"
Vehicule Art, Montreal Canada.
Selected Group Shows
“Power of Ten”
Byrdcliff Woodstock, NY
“The Beat Goes On”
May Park Gallery;
Chengdu China
“For Your Collection”
Catherine Fosnot Gallery
New London, Ct.
Instructors Show
Art Students League
"East Village Revisited"
(curated Gracie Mansion)
SEMA (Seoul Museum of Art)
Seoul, South Korea
"The Eros Effect"
(curated Jane Hart)
Miami, Florida
"Painting to Survive"
(curated Jonathan Weinberg)
BWAC Brooklyn, NY
“The Times” Flag Art Foundation NYC
“One Cup” Post Eroticism Ken Nakahashi Gallery Shinjuku Japan
“Social Photography Show” Carriage House Gallery NY
“Something Possible Everywhere: PIER 34 “ Curated by Jonathan Weinberg Hudson Gallery Hunter University NYC
“COPS” Tops Gallery Memphis Tn
“Wet and Hot” Urban Paintings Walter Robinson; Stephen Lack; James Romberger, Conrad Vogel.
Dorian Grey Gallery NYC NY
“Suddenness and Certainty” Robert Miller Gallery; NYC. Curated/Robert Greene
“Small Works” Newtonberry House; Ireland
Museum of New Art; Detroit; Curated by Jeff Bourgeau
“Phone Art” Carriage House Gallery; NYC.
Michael Gennis Gallery; Ottawa Canada.
“ Summer Group Show” Southern Vermont Arts Center; Vt.
“Draw”: Museo de la Cuidad de Mexico.
Artwalk Benefit: New York City
Postcards from the Edge: Aids Benefit Visual Aids NYC
“Your Documents Please” Travelling 2B Gallery Budapest
“I love to Watch" The Canal Chapter New York NY [Curated by Carlo McCormack]
The Downtown Show: “The New York Art Scene:1974-84”
Travelling: Grey Art Museum. NYC
The Andy Warhol Museum; Pittsburgh, Pa
Austin Museum of Art; Austin Texas
“Gallery Artists ” Gallery 479 Ottawa Canada
“Art Walk Auction Benefit” New York NY
“Business Unusual” Howlfest, N.Y.C. Office of the Borough President
Recent Acquisitions: Museum of Modern Art, Antwerp
“WALDSEE Project:”: Postcard sized art as per the Holocaust Victims
Hebrew Union College Museum; New York City
“EAST VILLAGE U.S.A.’ The New Museum; N.Y.C. .
“Holocaust Postcards ” Gallery at NYU Hebrew Institute [Traveling Houston Texas, Budapest Museum Hungary and Berlin Germany]
‘Group Show’ : Gallery Four Seven Nine; Ottawa Canada
Waldsee Project;: 2B Galeria; Budapest, (traveling)
“Permanent Collection” Voorhees Gallery, Rutgers Museum NJ
“Series” University of Colorado; Boulder Col
“Postcards from the Edge” Visual Aids
“Wheels” Connecticut Print Center; New Haven Ct
“ Take Home a Nude” N.Y. Academy of Art; NYC
Dorfman Projects; N.Y.C.
"No Kidding: Visions of Childhood" Gracie Mansion Gallery, N.Y.C.
"The Pet Show" Bonwin Keenan Gallery
"New York/North York" North York, Canada
"Take Home a Dancer" Bill T. Jones Benefit, New York, NY
"Art with a Heart" Casey House, Toronto, Canada
"Man and Machine" Forum Gallery,N.Y.C.
"Jerusalem 3000" Jerusalem Museum, Isreal.
"Hopper Light" Hopper Museum, Nyack N.Y.
"Take Home a Nude", New York Academy of Art; N.Y.C.
"Boat Show" Pratt Institute, New York, NY
"Twenty Five N.Y. Artists" Yuki Sun International, Nagoya Japan.
"Crime Pays" Westchester Center for the Arts, Westchester, NY
"Benefit Auction" White Columns, New York, NY
"A Sense of Place" Dahlberg Gallery, College du Page, Glen Ellyn, Ill. Curated by Eileen Broido (catalogue)
"Crime Pays" Solo Gallery, New York, NY, Curated by Deborah Ripley
"Medium Messages" Wooster Gardens, New York, NY
"Benefit" Head Injury relearning Center, Calgary, Canada
Waddington-Groce, Montreal, Canada
Robertson Gallery. Ottawa, Canada
"Douglas Leopold Memorial Auction for AIDS", Montreal, Canada
"Recent Acquisitions" Rutgers Museum, Print Archive, New Brunswick N.J.
"Benefit Auction", Belport L.I. New York.
"AmFar Benefit" Belport , NY
"Artist Birdhouses" Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, MA
"The Tree" Christmas Invitational, Elysum Gallery, New York, NY
"Benefit Auction", Belport L.I. New York.
"Benefit Auction" White Columns, New York, NY
"Motion as Metaphor" Virginia Beach Center for the Arts, Virginia Beach, VA
"Two Views" Stephen Lack & Leslie Lerner, Stephen Rosenberg Gallery, New York, NY
"Summer Studios" Courthouse Gallery, Lake George Arts Project, Lake George, NY
"Motion as Metaphore" Virginia Beach Center for the Arts, Va.
"Open Studio Exhibition" PS 122 Gallery, New York, NY
"Art on Paper" Weatherspoon Art Gallery,University of North Carolina at Greensboro, N.C.
"The Flower Show" Graham Modern, New York, NY
"Last Picture Show" Gracie Mansion, New York, NY
"Seven Year Itch" Gracie Mansion, New York, NY
"Selections from the Collection of Chemical Bank" Montclair Art Museum, NJ
Park Avenue Synagogue, New York, NY
"Art on Paper, 1989" Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC
"The Road Show" John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Long Island, NY
"The Art of Drawing" Staempfli Gallery, New York, NY
"Slaves of New York" The Gallery, New York, NY
"Drive" BMW, Canada, Toronto, Canada
"The Center Show" Lesbian & Gay Community Services Center, New York, NY Curated by Rick Barnett and Barbara Sahlman
"New Work, New York" Helander Gallery, Palm Beach, FL
Gallery Carzangia and Vekker, Basel, Switzerland
"Arf Arf" Trabia MacAfee, New York, NY
Salon des Artistes, New York, NY
"The Flower Show" Betsy Rosenfield Gallery, Chicago, IL
"The Wolf at the Door" Foreman Gallery, Bartwick College, Oneonta, NY
Brent Gallery, Houston, TX
"Drive" BMW, Canada, Toronto, Canada
"Benefit Auction" White Columns, New York, NY
"The Year in Review" Gracie Mansion, New York, NY
"Porcelain: Past Forms, Present Tense" Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY
"Small Works" Gracie Mansion, New York, NY
"The Fish Show" Brent Gallery, Houston, TX
"Movietone Muse: Art Influenced by Film" One Penn Plaza, New York, N.Y.
"Crime and Punishment" Shrieber/Cutler Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Moments of Drama" Chemical Bank World Headquarters, New York, N.Y.
"Art Against AIDS" Organized by Livet Richard
"East Village Famous Goods" Greene Gallery, Coral Gables, FL
"Summer Show" Gracie Mansion, New York, N.Y.
"Pyramid Art Center Benefit" E.M. Donahue Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Redtape Magazine Benefit" E.M. Donahue Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Gone Fishing" Graham Modern, New York, N.Y.
"Drawings" The Bemis Foundation, Omaha Nebraska.
"Works on Paper" Gracie Mansion, New York, N.Y.
"Animal Life" One Penn Plaza; New York City.
"New Sensations" Jay Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Focus: New York. The Best & Brightest from the East Village and Soho" Moosart Gallery, Miami, FL
"The East Village" Fashion Institute of Technology; N.Y.C.
"Myth" Greathouse Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Edges of Humor" Sawhill Gallery, James Madison University, VA
"National Abortion Rights League Auction" New York, N.Y.
"N.Y.C. New Work" Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, De.
"New Drawing" Gallery Association of New York State, Hamilton, NY
"Still Life/Landscape: New Approaches to Old Traditions, Gloria Luria Gallery, Miami, FL
"A Survey of Recent Trends in the East Village" Mori Gallery, Sydney, Australia & George Paton Gallery University of Melbourne
"Short Stories" One Penn Plaza, New York, N.Y. Curated by Judd Tully and Carol van der Houten
"Landscapes/Elements" Jan Baum Gallery, Los Angelos, CA
"Romanticism and Cynicism" Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
"fresh" DiLaurenti Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Television and the Imagination" H.B.O. New York, N.Y.
"Homage to Nicolas A. Moufarrege" Gabrielle Bryers Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Accrochage" Anne Friebe Galerie, Cologne, West Germany
"Art for Money: benefit for Fashion Moda" Arte et Industrie, New York, N.Y.
"A Man and a Woman - A Collaboration" Dramatis Personas Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Artists for Artists" Auction to benefit artists housing crisis, Charles Cowles Annex, New York, N.Y.
"Illuminations: the Art of Your Future" Arte et Industrie, New York, N.Y.
"Embellishment of the Statue of Liberty" Barney's New York, New York, N.Y.
"East Village Sampler" Jones Troyer Gallery, Washington DC
"New Painting" Hal Bromm Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"East Village at the Center" Saidye Bronfman Center, Montreal, Canada. Curated by Katya Arnold
"57th Street Between A & D" Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"20/20: A Survey of New York and Cleveland Artists" B.K. Smith Gallery, Painsville, OH. Curated by Bill Radawec
"Still Life Show" Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Art Cafe" Art Cafe, New York, N.Y.
"The Big Car Show" Herron Gallery, Indianapolis Center for Contemporary Art, Indianapolis, IN
"New York, New Art" Vorpal gallery, San Francisco, CA
"New York - East Village Art Situation '85" Academia Di Belle Arti Museio Di Arte Moderns Di Catanzaro, Italy
"Draw Your Own Conclusions" Joyce Goldman Gallery, Montreal, Canada
"East Infection" Zero One Gallery, Los Angelos, CA
"Knock, Knock, Who's There?" Gracie Mansion Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Innovative Still Life" Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Getting Off" Civilian Warfare, New York, N.Y.
"Group Show" Palladium, New York, N.Y.
"Drawings: Nolo Contendere's 1st Anniversary Show" Nolo Contendere, New York, N.Y.
"Fragments and Fantasies" J. Barrett Gallery, Toledo, OH
"ABC No Rio: The First Five Years" ABC No Rio, New York, N.Y.
Monstra Internazionale di arti visive promassa di Comuni di Bologna, Imola, Ravenna, Rimini e dalle Ragione Emilia Romagna
"A Brave New World - A New Generation - 40 New York Artists" Udstilungsbygningen, Copenhagen & Lunds Konsthall, Lund, Sweden
"New Sensations" Jay Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"The Sexuality Show" Otto Rene Castillo Center for Working Class Culture, New York, N.Y.
"Group Show" Anna Friebe Galerie, Cologne, West Germany
"Croos-Currents" New Work from New York, Sande Webster, PA
"East Village" Greene Gallery, Coconut Grove, FL
"Gracie Mansion Group" Brentwood Gallery, St. Louis, MO
"Realism" Greathouse Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Persona Non Grata" Daniel Newburg Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Post Contemporary Art" Gracie Mansion, New York, N.Y.
"Visitors from the East Village" Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
"Neo York" University Art Museum, Santa Barbara, CA
"Painting and Sculpture '84" Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
"Recent Acquisitions" Australian National Gallery; Canberra, Australia.
"Inside the East Village" Galerie Andre Emmerich, Zurich, Switzerland
"East Village Art in Berlin" Zellermeyer Galerie, Berlin, Germany
"Still Life with Transaction" Galleri Jurka, Amsterdam. Curated by Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo
"Vote/Veto" ABC No Rio, New York, N.Y.
"37 Pintores del East Village" Museo Municipall de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
"If Culture Means Anything" Vox Populi, New York, N.Y.
"New York New" Studio Corrado Levi, Milan, Italy
"Salon des Artistes" Gracie Mansion, New York, N.Y.
"East Village Art" Galerie Anna Friebe, Cologne, West Germany
"Best of the East Village" American Graffiti Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"Painting and Sculpture '84" Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
"Climbing the East Village" Hal Bromm Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Lower East Side" Artists' Space, New York, N.Y.
"1985" Piezo Electric, New York, N.Y.
"Canada/New York" 49th Parallel, New York, N.Y.
"Still Life with Transaction" International With Monument, New York, N.Y.
"Neo York" University of California at Santa Barbara, CA
"Gracie Mansion Presents" Kamikaze Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Sofa/Painting" Gracie Mansion Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Four New York Artists" Maximillian Guiol Gallery, Paris, France
"New York, New York" Newcastle, England
"Terminal Show" Brooklyn Terminal, Brooklyn, N.Y.
"The Wild West Show" Piezo Electric, New York, N.Y.
"Saint Show" Harm Bouckaert Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Second Anniversary Show" Harm Bouckaert Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Prints & Drawings for Collectors" Cleveland Contemporary Art Center, Cleveland, OH. Curated by Bill Radawec
"East Village Art: Food for Thought" Gracie Mansion, New York, N.Y.
"Matchbook Show" Club 57, New York, N.Y.
"L.E.S.S." P.S. 122, New York, N.Y.
"News Show" P.S. 122, New York, N.Y.
John Neely Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"29 East Village Artists" Piezo Electric, New York, N.Y.
"Ritz Show" Ritz, Curated by Colab, Washington DC
"New Year's Resolution" Club 57, New York, N.Y.
"Modern Romance" Club 57, New York, N.Y.
"Suburban Show" ABC No Rio, New York, N.Y.
"Selection 21" Drawing Center, New York, N.Y.
Roger Litz Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Cheap and Easy" Inroads Gallery, New York, N.Y.
"Famous Show" Gracie Mansion, New York, N.Y.
"Beyond the American Standard" Gracie Mansion, New York, N.Y.
"Christmas Show" Idee Gallery, Toronto, Canada
"3/13" Hansen Gallery, New York, N.Y. Curated by Sur Rodney (Sur)
"File 13" Hansen Gallery, New York, N.Y. Curated by Sur Rodney (Sur)
"Man to Man" Robert Samuels Gallery, New York, N.Y.
Film & Video about the Artist
"The Rubber Gun" a feature film loosely based on the artist's life screened at the Whitney Museum of American Art and Museum of Modern Art, New York, N.Y.
National Endowment for the Arts "Painting" 1993; 1987.
Canada Council for the Arts; "Painting" 1991.
Print Magazine Regional Design Award 1985
Related StudiesOtis Art Institute, Los Angeles, California
Ecole des Beaux Arts, Montreal Quebec; Canada.
Columbia University, New York City, N.Y.
Lectures and Residences:
Illinois State School of the Arts: Guest Lecturer; 2010
School of Visual Arts; Manhattan; Masters Thesis Advisor 2005-2006
Dartmouth College; Hist. Dept. Guest Lecture. New Hampshire; 2000.
Skidmore College, Summer Session: Master Class, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 1999
Artist in residence. Connecticut College, 1999
Bravo TV Arts and Minds 1989
Artist in residence. Design Center, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn Michigan, 1989
Banff Institute of the Arts; Artist in Residence. 1988
Ancienne Manufacture Royale, Limoges France. Artist in Residence. 1988
Florida State University; Artist in Residence Program, 1985
Winnipeg Art Gallery; (W.A.G.) Manitoba Canada
Australian National Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Corporate And Public Australian National Gallery; Canberra, Australia
Brooklyn Museum, New York
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
Chemical Bank; New York
Imperial Oil Canada
Dept.of External Affairs Canada
Progressive Corp. Ohio
M.T.V. New York
Lyman Allyn Museum, New London, Ct.
Prudential Corporation, N.J.
Grey Art Gallery, New York University, N.Y.
New York Public Library Collection, N.Y.C.
U.S. State Department
Department of External Affairs, Canada
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC
U.Q.A.M. (Universite de Quebec a Montreal)
Royal Bank of Canada
Time Warner Corporation
New School for Social Research, N.Y.C.
S.I.T.A.(Societe International de Transport Aeronotique) Switzerland
Weatherspoon Gallery; University of North Carolina at Greensboro, N.C.
Voorhees Zimmerlee Museum, Rutgers Print Archives, New Brunswick N.J.
New York Stock Exchange, N.Y. .
Jerry Speyer Collection, New York
Krannert Art Museum, Champaign Ill.
Ralph Lauren Collection
Union Rescue Mission, Los Angeles
Jerusalem Museum, Isreal.
Rubell Family Collection, Fla.
Elmhurst Museum, Ill.
Museum Van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen.
Senvest Corporation Quebec Canada.
New Britain Museum of American Art, Ct
Howard Shore Collection, NY
Abrams Family Collection; Los Angeles California
Iger Family Collection
Blauch Family Collection
Rubell Family Collection
Artemus (Asher Edelman Collection)
Elmhurst Museum Ill.
Museum Van Hedendaagse Kunst; Antwerp, Belgium
Senvest Corporation; Quebec Canada
Howard Shore Family Collection
J.J. Abrams Family collection
Stephen Lack’s work has been the subject of a documentary on BRAVO Television’s ARTS and MINDS